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My Philosophy

“No matter your discipline, if you want to be a better rider, I want to help you achieve it.”


I have a pleasure horse background, both English and Western, beginning with 4H involvement more than 35 years ago. I rode Arabians for many years, but developed an appreciation of quarter horses after attending the University of Wisconsin—River Falls. I had enjoyed riding English for many years, but the River Falls Colt Training class was down the western path, as was the natural talent of my own horse, so down the western path I went.

After college I spent five years managing a Paint horse breeding farm. This included training and showing their young stock, and getting more immersed in the stock horse Western Pleasure and futurity world.

Once I struck out as an independent trainer, I continued riding and showing in pleasure classes and teaching my students how to do the same. I think there are few things more beautiful than the natural gaits of a well-bred and talented pleasure horse, but I eventually experienced some dissatisfaction with things I was seeing in the pleasure arena and the training methods that seemed to be needed to achieve that show-ring look.

Enter Western Dressage.

Dressage is a French word that literally means training—”The object of dressage is the development of the horse into a happy athlete through harmonious education.  As a result it makes the horse calm, supple, loose and flexible, but also confident, attentive and keen; thus achieving perfect understanding with the rider.”

The WWDA, Western Dressage Association of America, says “Our mission is to build an equine community that combines the western traditions of horse and rider with classical dressage. We honor the horse. We value the partnership between horse and rider. We celebrate the legacy of the American West. It’s about the Journey.”

“Happy athlete…harmonious education…calm…supple…confident…” “Honor…partnership…It’s about the Journey.” No matter your discipline, who can’t get behind that?

Anyone who knows me knows that impure gaits have always been my pet peeve. I have always prioritized an active four beat walk, a true two-beat jog, and a cadenced three-beat lope in my pleasure horses. The standards for Western Dressage gaits are right up my alley!

Moving to western dressage has meant, for me, a change in perspective and philosophy; bringing other standards like health, balance, and straightness even more heavily into my riding, teaching, and training. It has been eye opening.

Western dressage practices and training have only improved our pleasure horse gaits. It has helped prepare my students amazingly well for tough horsemanship patterns. But most of all, it has been FUN! Many of my students as well as myself are having a really good time challenging ourselves riding the western dressage tests, and always competing against ourselves and our previous scores. Hitting that sought-after 70 and giving yourself permission to move up a level is so rewarding!

English or western, traditional or otherwise, come see what some classical techniques and philosophy can do for you and your horse. No matter your discipline, if you want to be a better rider, I want to help you achieve it.



  • 35+ years of experience with horses, beginning with riding lessons, 4H, and hippology at a young age

  • Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with equine emphasis from University of Wisconsin—River Falls

  • UWRF Colts-In-Training class

  • UWRF Teaching Techniques class

  • Always on-going! I continue to seek more education and feedback from other trainers including one of the top western dressage trainers in the county

Record of succesS

  • Years of successfully showing up to Level 3 with multiple Champion, Reserve Champion, Top-5 and Top-10 placings at WDAA World as well as WDAA International Online Challenge Level 3 Buckle Winner

  • WDAA Gold Medal and Multiple WDAA ROMs and ROA’s earned

  • Pleasure futurity money earners including Top 10 and Top 5

  • Students winning Grand Champions and Top 10s at WSCA Champ Show

  • Multiple horses and students as class winners and high points